Hvem kan blive gæstestuderende

Du kan blive gæstestuderende på IT-Universitetet, hvis du er indskrevet på en professions-bacheloruddannelse, en bacheloruddannelse eller en kandidatuddannelse på et dansk universitet. Din faglige baggrund kan spænde over alt fra psykologi over humaniora til statskundskab og datalogi. 

Hvis du er indskrevet på en fuldtidsuddannelse på et udenlandsk universitet (gælder også universiteter inden for EU/EØS), kan du søge enten som et udvekslingsophold eller søge om optagelse på et enkeltfag, som du selv betaler for.


  • 15. maj til 20. august (efterårssemesteret)
  • 15. november til 20. januar (forårssemesteret) 


  • 20. august (efterårssemesteret)
  • 20. januar (forårssemesteret)

Hvornår får du svar om optagelse?

  • Uge 51 (forårssemesteret) - Hvis du har ansøgt senest 10. december 
    Uge 1 - Hvis du har ansøgt efter 10. december 

  • Uge 26 (efterårssemesteret)


  • Uge 5 (forårssemesteret)
  • Uge 35 (efterårssemesteret)

Pladserne fordeles efter først-til-mølle

Vi anbefaler, at du søger hurtigst muligt, da der er et begrænset antal pladser, som fordeles efter først-til-mølle-princippet. Ønsker du optagelse på et kursus efter ansøgningsfristen, skal du kontakte sap@itu.dk

En ansøgning skal indeholde en forhåndsgodkendelse

En ansøgning som gæstestuderende består af en forhåndsgodkendelse fra din nuværende uddannelsesinstitution, som skal godkende, at kurserne kan meritoverføres. Desuden skal du dokumentere, at du opfylder adgangskravene (se nedenfor under Adgangskrav for at blive gæstestuderende). 

Søger du mere end ét kursus

Du er velkommen til at søge mere end ét kursus. Vær opmærksom på, at du kun kan blive optaget på kurser, der dækker det antal ECTS, som står i din forhåndsgodkendelse, og som kan meritoverføres. Du kan maks. tage 30 ECTS pr. semester. 

Du skal oprette én ansøgning pr. kursus, du søger. Du kan dog genbruge den dokumentation, du skal uploade, så du kun skal uploade én gang

Prioriter dine kurser

Husk at prioritere dine kurser, hvis du søger ind på flere kurser, end du ønsker at følge. Du bliver spurgt om en prioritering, når du opretter mere end én ansøgning i Ansøgningsportalen.

Søg ind som gæstestuderende

Har du brug for hjælp?

Du er meget velkommen til at kontakte Studie- og Karrierevejledningen for hjælp og yderligere information.

Adgangskrav for at blive gæstestuderende

Generelle adgangskrav for kurser på bachelorniveau

For at søge ind som gæstestuderende på bachelorniveau, skal du have:

  • En gymnasial uddannelse
  • Engelsk på B-niveau med 6,0 i karaktergennemsnit, eller engelsk på A-niveau (ingen karakterkrav, dog bestået)
  • En forhåndsgodkendelse fra dit studienævn, der godkender, at kurset kan meritoverføres. Henvend dig i god tid, da der kan være lang ekspeditionstid. Det skal fremgå af forhåndsgodkendelsen, hvilken uddannelse du er indskrevet på

Specifikke adgangskrav for kurser på bachelorniveau

Desuden har de forskellige uddannelser, som gæstekurserne er knyttet til, følgende adgangskrav:

  • Matematik på A-niveau med 6,0 i karaktergennemsnit, gælder kurser på uddannelserne: 
    Data Science og Softwareudvikling
  • Matematik på B-niveau med 6,0 i karaktergennemsnit, gælder kurser på uddannelserne: 
    Digital Design og Interaktive Teknologier, og Global Business Informatics
  • Dansk på A-niveau (ingen karakterkrav, dog bestået)
    gælder kurser på uddannelserne:
    Digital Design og Interaktive Teknologier, Global Business Informatics og Softwareudvikling
I kursusoversigten kan du se, hvilken uddannelse et kursus er knyttet til (se under afsnittet ’Programme’).  

BEMÆRK! Der kan være yderligere forudsætninger for optagelse på nogle kurser. Det vil stå i beskrivelsen af kurset (se kursusoversigten).

Adgangskrav for kurser på kandidatniveau

For at søge ind som gæstestuderende på kandidatniveau, skal du have:

  • En bestået bacheloruddannelse eller en uddannelse på tilsvarende niveau
  • En forhåndsgodkendelse fra dit studienævn, der godkender, at kurset kan meritoverføres. Henvend dig i god tid, da der kan være lang ekspeditionstid

BEMÆRK! Der kan være yderligere forudsætninger for optagelse på nogle kurser. Det vil stå i beskrivelsen af kurset (se kursusoversigten). 


Gæstestuderende har to eksamensforsøg til at bestå en eksamen. Gæstestuderende kan få et tredje eksamensforsøg, hvis de får en ny forhåndsgodkendelse fra deres hjeminstitution, og ansøger om optagelse i Ansøgningsportalen.


Fold afsnittet ud neden for og se, hvordan du søger dispensation.


Søg om dispensation for gæstestuderende på bachelorniveau

Matematik A
Hvis du ikke opfylder det specifikke adgangskrav i matematik gennem din gymnasiale eksamen, kan du opfylde det ved at søge om dispensation. Det kræver, at du har bestået rene matematikkurser på universitetsniveau med gode karakterer (her tæller erhvervsøkonomiske kurser ikke). 

Upload relevant dokumentation for de beståede matematikkurser i din ansøgning, og navngiv den 'Dispensationsansøgning – MAT A'. 

Dansk A
Udenlandske ansøgere skal have bestået studieprøven i dansk for at få dispensation for dansk A. (Der er ingen karakterkrav, dog bestået). Vedhæft relevant dokumentation og navngiv den 'Dispensationsansøgning – DANSK A'. 

Studieprøven i dansk kræves ikke i følgende tilfælde:  

  • Hvis kurset/kurserne undervises på engelsk (OBS. Gælder kun for gæstestuderende)
  • Hvis du er fra et af de øvrige nordiske lande og dansk, svensk eller norsk indgår i din adgangsgivende eksamen 
  • Hvis du har en Færøsk studentereksamen og har bestået Færøsk A 
  • Hvis du søger om optagelse på baggrund af en International Baccalaureate (IB), og som minimum har bestået faget "Danish A1, Standard Level", "Danish A Literature, Standard Level" eller "Danish B, Higher Level". BEMÆRK faget "Danish B, Standard Level" opfylder ikke kravet om dansk på A-niveau 
  • Hvis du tidligere har gennemført en kort eller mellemlang videregående uddannelse på dansk 
  • Kun for Global Business Informatics: hvis du har bestået folkeskolens afgangsprøve i dansk, eller har et afgangsbevis fra Danes World Wide

Engelsk B
Hvis du ikke opfylder det specifikke adgangskrav i engelsk B med et karaktergennemsnit på 6,0, har du mulighed for at søge om dispensation, hvis du i forvejen har taget en engelsktest. Ansøgere med en adgangsgivende eksamen fra et land udenfor EU/EØS skal vedlægge en engelsktest (med undtagelse af ansøgere med en adgangsgivende eksamen fra følgende lande: USA, Canada, Australien, New Zealand, Storbritannien, Skotland og Irland). Vedhæft relevant dokumentation, og navngiv den 'Dispensationsansøgning – ENGELSK B'. 

Følgende giver dispensation for engelsk B med et karaktergennemsnit på 6,0:

  • TOEFL papirbaseret testresultat: mindst 600
  • TOEFL IBT testresultat: mindst 100
  • TOEFL IBT Special Home Edition testresultat: mindst 100 (2023-optagelsen)
  • IELTS (academic) testresultat: mindst 7.0
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: bestået
  • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English: 167

Testen må højst være to år gammel pr. 1. januar i det pågældende optagelsesår. TOEFL-koden for ITU er 9015. IELTS har ingen universitetskode. 



Gæstefag på IT-Universitetet

KursusnavnNiveauTid og stedAnsøgSprog
The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
Forår 2025Sommer 2025Infoen

Understanding creative work as processes that take place within organizational and cultural settings under different kind of leadership and management, the course focuses on the simultaneously constraining and enabling ways these structures influence creativity and innovation. 

Forår 2025Sommer 2025Infoda
In this course, the students learn how to evaluate, design and prototype products based on latest artificial intelligence technologies.
Forår 2025Sommer 2025Infoen

This course examines organizations in light of contemporary challenges with digitalization. It explores organizational perspectives on digitalization and cover theories that can help us better understand, and critically reflect upon, such profound challenges, while also offering hands-on approaches to managing them. Furthermore, it investigates questions of the changing nature of work, and themes such as leadership, management, and organizing in order to make students both knowledgeable about, and skilled in the practice of, and engaging with, digital transformation.

Forår 2025Sommer 2025Infoen

This course provides an introduction to Information Security Risk Management. The course enables students to lead risk assessments, and reflect on the applicability of different techniques for risk assessment and management.

Forår 2025Sommer 2025Infoen
The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
The course covers fundamental techniques for developing data management and data analytics applications.
Efterår 202520252Infoen
The course covers fundamental techniques for developing data management and data analytics applications.
Efterår 202520252Infoen
The main outcome of the course is that students are equipped with an understanding of the most important concepts, themes and positions in philosophy of science, and how they relate to digital design and interactive technologies. Furthermore, the students should learn to reflect critically about how digital design and technology relate to the world at large.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-

The goal of the course is two-fold. On the one side you will learn how to clean, manipulate, process and visualize data in Python with a specific focus on unstrucured data that is typically produced online. On the other side, you will learn how to formulate hypothesys based on this data that can be used in the context of the evaluation or the re-design of a digital product.

Efterår 202520252Infoen
Kursets mest centrale resultat er at de studerende bliver udstyret med en grundig forståelse af kvalitative forskningstilgange og -metoder og evnen til at anvende kvalitative undersøgelsesmetoder til undersøgelser samt formidling af resultaterne.
Efterår 202520252Infoda
På dette kursus arbejder de studerende i grupper med at udvikle prototyper på koncepter for digitale løsninger i samarbejde med private eller offentlige virksomheder baseret på relevante teorier, metoder, værktøjer og teknikker, som introduceres på kurset eller ligger i forlængelse af tidligere kurser.
Efterår 202520252Infoda
This course gives an introduction to technical communication. It focuses on designing different forms of communication correctly, effectively, and convincingly. There will be a theoretical introduction to the importance and principles of technical communication together with several individual and group based practical exercises.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-

This is a course in mathematics covering linear algebra and analysis (calculus) of functions of several variables. These are perhaps the two areas of mathematics that have found most uses in practical applications. In particular, the course equips the student with mathematical tools necessary for analysis of big data.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This course gives a fundamental introduction to machine learning (ML) with an emphasis on statistical aspects. In the course, we focus on both the theoretical foundation for ML and the application of ML methods.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
Networks are all around us: We are ourselves, as individuals, the units of a network of social relationships of different kinds; the Internet and the highway system can be modelled as networks embedded in space; networks can be also entities defined in an abstract space, such as networks of acquaintances or collaborations  between individuals. This course aims at providing the computational tools to study these networks and form the basis of network scientists. The final objective is to have the students to solve practical network problems, to be able to perform a network analysis, and to fully appreciate the difficulties of a network problem in real-world data. The course will have a special focus on social networks.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-

This hands-on course teaches you how the design, implementation, and implications, of systems software influence your task as an application programmer. You will get an in-depth understanding of how hardware and the operating system work; in the process, you will learn how computers actually work, and what actually happens when you run an application. This enables you to fully exploit underlying hardware and systems software to write high-quality software.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This is an introductory course on information security and privacy for data science. The course focuses on aspects of principles and techniques of protecting the security and privacy of data that is collected for data analysis.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
Contemporary organizations critically rely on enterprise systems to support their business processes. In this course, students learn to analyze work systems in organizations and to identify ways for improving them. Students acquire these skills by analyzing a real-world work system and by gaining hands-on experience suggesting requirements for a sociotechnical system that supports the work system.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
Students learn about the concept of computational thinking and get a hands-on introduction to programming using the Python programming language.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
The course will enable the students to analyse a supply chain and identify solutions where information technology can optimise the collaboration between actors in the supply chain network.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
In this course, students will learn to analyse and reflect upon the role of IT and culture in global collaborations.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
The overall aim of the course is to enable students to conduct an organizational analysis. The course introduces students to particular forms of organizational analysis as well as a broad spectrum of organization theories. More specifically, the aim is to enable students to draw on organizational theory in the analysis of what we nominally characterize as events; the purposeful organization of concerted action towards specific goals, and to situate this approach in a broader landscape of organizational theories. 
Efterår 202520252Infoen-

Discrete Mathematics covers different topics in mathematics, which support many disciplines in software development. The goal of this course is to give the students the ability to apply formal reasoning. The first part of the course is dedicated to learning how to construct logical proofs, proofs on set theory and proofs by induction, while the second half of the course builds upon the first part to cover number-theoretical concepts, graphs, combinatorics, discrete probabilities, and models of computation. The student will obtain the fundamental skill of computational thinking and will be better equipped to tackle technical subjects throughout the curriculum. The course is an introduction to discrete mathematics as a foundation to work within the fields of computer science, information technologies, and software development. The course develops the necessary terminology and conceptual tools needed for later courses.

This includes:

  • formal reasoning, proofs, logic, set theory, sequences and sums
  • number theory, combinatorics and (discrete) probability theory
  • induction, recursion and counting
  • relations and functions
  • basic graph theory, language theory
  • theory and models of computation, such as finite state machines, regular expressions and grammars
The course aims at providing a basic understanding of the mathematical foundations of computer science.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for distributed computing.
Efterår 202520252Infoen
The Analysis, Design, and Software Architecture course (BDSA) is part of the Bachelor in Software Development (BSWU). In this course, students will discover software engineering from a theoretical and practical perspective. Students will learn about the history of software engineering, software processes, and will be exposed to concepts, principles, techniques, tools, and technologies related to object-oriented analysis, design, and programming. The course comprises of two lecture blocks and three exercise blocks. Weekly exercises will be given to students to gain hands on practice of the concepts taught in class.
Efterår 202520252Infoen

This course will introduce students to techniques for solving complex programming tasks arising in modern IT systems. The focus in the course is on algorithm design and analysis.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-

This course addresses advanced programming techniques, with a special attention on functional programming and its applications. The course is a perfect balance of theory and practice, with focus on the Scala programming language.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-

The course is designed to enable the student to engage with future developments in software engineering by providing a forum for the critical discussion of processes, methods, tools, and architectures. By combining theoretical insights from state-of-the-art research and hands-on experience with advanced tools and techniques, students gain a comprehensive understanding of software engineering.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-

This course is an advanced course on algorithms which builds on top of an introductory course on algorithms and data structures. The course focuses on advanced techniques for identifying and solving computationally hard problems and on how to adapt such techniques to real-world scenarios.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-

This course is about that part of programming that focuses on parallelism and concurrency. It covers concurrency concepts that are universal to any programming language. The Java programming language is the main language used for practically addressing such aspects; and Erlang is also used for a topic in the course.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-
Creating aesthetic user experiences requires designers to pay attention to all the subjective, sensorial and emotional qualities that can make a design delightful, pleasant and interesting to users. This course offers a theoretical and methodological foundation for thinking about aesthetics in your design projects. The course is structured around practical design projects addressing challenges from external partners in the cultural sector and/or the creative industries.
Efterår 202520252Infoen
The goal of the course is to address current and future potentials of blockchain-based technologies for a range of (inter-)organizational purposes in a digital economy.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-

The course will teach students to analyse complexity within an empirical case that explores a current topic within the fields of science, technology, and innovation.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-
The course zooms in on the ongoing digital transformation of the Danish public sector and provides analytical and methodological tools for understanding and working with digitalization processes across governmental institutions and the private organisations that underpin their transformation.
Efterår 202520252Infoen
Students learn to analyse and critically engage with games and related theoretical topics.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches fundamental techniques for using C++ efficiently to implement 2D and 3D games.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
The course conveys the necessary tools for analysing games and player cultures from a comprehensive variety of angles, ranging from classic play theories and semiotics to transmedia and gender studies. It engages with games and play from a historical perspective, establishing a common ground for communication about games and player cultures among students from different backgrounds.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches the design and development of video games from prototyping to effective teamwork across disciplinary boundaries. It also covers the most important technical and theoretical foundations of game development.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches how to explore technologies for their potential in regards to play.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
The course introduces basic theoretical and practical approaches to programming and game engine functionality using the C# language. It is intended for students with little or no prior experience with programming. The course teaches how to build games-related software using a game engine (Unity engine). The teaching emphasizes small programming exercises.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches the foundation of constructing user interfaces for computer systems. This problem is likely harder than you might think: computer programs very often perform complex tasks, yet users demand and need simple interfaces. Producing such interfaces requires an understanding of both the user—e.g., what are they trying to accomplish? what do they know already?—and the technology—e.g., how can we  implement a in a given UI framework the interactions that we want to present the user with, how do we interact with a backend API? In this course, students will develop both their design knowledge, but also their technical skills.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
In this course, you will learn how to implement some widely-used algorithms as fast and scalable programs on modern hardware, and how to evaluate your implementation using appropriate test cases and performance experiments.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This is a hands-on course that teaches the basic principles of computer security. You will get in-depth experience with cyberattacks, and how to prevent them. The course projects enable you to personalize the course to match your unique background.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This course addresses the technical issues that emerge during the big data life cycle including collection, management, processing, and analytics. We discuss modern approaches to organising and reasoning about large, fast growing and diverse data-sets. We cover the principles of big data analysis, and illustrate a hands-on approach to big data modelling and management.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-

This course gives an introduction to the field of data mining. The course is relatively practically oriented, focusing on applicable algorithms. Practical exercises will involve both use of a freely available data mining package and individual implementation of algorithms.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-
The course is an introduction to discrete mathematics as a foundation to work within the fields of computer science, information technologies, and software development.
Efterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for distributed computing.
Efterår 202520252Infoen

In this course students will learn to apply modern state-of-the-art solutions for natural language processing problems. We go beyond simple classification tasks, and tackle more advanced types of tasks, like generation and structured prediction. 

Efterår 202520252Infoen

Networks are all around us: We are ourselves, as individuals, the units of a network of social relationships of different kinds; the Internet and the highway system can be modelled as networks embedded in space; networks can be also entities defined in an abstract space, such as networks of acquaintances or collaborations between individuals. This course aims at providing the computational tools to study these networks and form an advanced understanding of the current state of the art of network science. The final objective is to have the students master computational techniques to solve advanced network problems, to be able to contribute to the development of network analysis, and to appreciate the limitations and future developments of scientific papers dealing with network problems in real-world data.


Efterår 202520252Infoen

Kursets formål er at give en dybere praktisk og teoretisk forståelse for implementation af programmeringssprog, herunder især maskinmodellen bag Java, C# og F#. Kursusemnerne omfatter leksikalsk analyse, grammatikker, syntaksanalyse, abstrakt syntaks, stakmaskiner, virtuelle maskiner, mellemkodesprog (inklusive JVM og .NET CLI), og continuations. Endvidere implementering af fortolkere, typeinferens, oversættere for en delmængde af C og for en delmængde af SML, garbage collectors, og kodegenerering for virtuelle maskiner og maskinkode (fx x86).

Efterår 202520252Infoda

This hands-on course teaches you how the design, implementation, and implications, of systems software influence your task as an application programmer. You will get an in-depth understanding of how hardware and the operating system work; in the process, you will learn how computers actually work, and what actually happens when you run an application. This enables you to fully exploit underlying hardware and systems software to write high-quality software.

Efterår 202520252Infoen
Dette kursus vil sætte de studerende i stand til at forstå, artikulere og arbejde kritisk med værdier og etik i avancerede og komplekse design kontekster.
Efterår 202520252Infoda

Today we rarely use programs that are developed to fit one specific customer. When we play games, use business systems for administration, or download apps to our phones, we use software that is part of software ecosystems: software products that are configured to fit a specific business context; platforms that allow sharing of specific kinds of software; or software as a service. Examples of software ecosystems have developed around software products, like game engines, or enterprise resource planning (ERP or CRM) software, integrated development environments like visual studio and platforms like the Android operating system. 

In this course you explore software ecosystems from UX design, organizational and technical perspectives. To this end you will analyse a software ecosystem together, propose an improvement related to the ecosystem, and support your proposal with a prototype and / or other design artefacts.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

This course enables students to understand the effects of automated digital systems on the way a welfare society is governed and experienced by social groups and individuals.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

The course aims at giving the students an introduction to the complexities of determining how processes of digitalisation and green transitions are entangled.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

The course aims at giving the students an introduction to the complexities of determining how processes of digitalisation and green transitions are entangled.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

Students attending this course will study how to design game code that is scalable and takes into account hardware and software resources.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

This course examines organizations in light of contemporary challenges with digitalization. It explores organizational perspectives on digitalization and cover theories that can help us better understand, and critically reflect upon, such profound challenges, while also offering hands-on approaches to managing them. Furthermore, it investigates questions of the changing nature of work, and themes such as leadership, management, and organizing in order to make students both knowledgeable about, and skilled in the practice of, and engaging with, digital transformation.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

The course gives an in-depth introduction to fundamental principles of probability theory.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

The goal of the course is to teach the understanding, design, implementation, and use of modern artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for generating efficient, intelligent behaviors in games and other simulation environments. A particular focus is given to techniques applied to agent-based simulations.

Efterår 202520252Infoen
Dette kursus vil give de studerende teoretiske og metodiske forudsætninger for at studere, analysere og forstå interaktioner og relationer mellem mennesker og digitale teknologier i situeret praksis. Indenfor rammen af antropologiske og sociologiske teknologistudier, vil kurset træne de studerendes evner til at udføre empiriske studier, samt at analysere og reflektere kritisk over implikationer af digitale teknologier I specifikke situationer og sammenhænge.
Efterår 202520252Infoda

The course is for students looking for an introduction to strategic management to be able to understand and navigate todays and tomorrows business world.

The student will be given a toolbox of academic frameworks and models to be able to analyze current business situations and propose strategic changes. Through case studies and group work the student will become familiar with the business language which will help to bridge the gap between business and technology.

Efterår 202520252Infoen
This course will introduce basic concepts and techniques for designing and analysing cryptographic protocols with a focus on privacy preserving computation and blockchain protocols. We will cover both the main constructions of such protocols and the theoretical models used for proving their security.
Efterår 202520252Infoen
This course will introduce basic concepts and techniques for designing and analysing cryptographic protocols with a focus on privacy preserving computation and blockchain protocols. We will cover both the main constructions of such protocols and the theoretical models used for proving their security.
Efterår 202520252Infoen


For bachelorstuderende

Du skal uploade følgende dokumentation i din ansøgning: 

  • Kopi af dit eksamensbevis fra din gymnasiale uddannelse og dokumentation for eventuelle suppleringsfag
  • Dokumentation for engelsk på B-niveau med 6,0 i karaktergennemsnit, eller engelsk på A-niveau (ingen karakterkrav, dog bestået). Dokumentationen er typisk dit eksamensbevis fra din gymnasiale uddannelse.
  • En forhåndsgodkendelse fra dit studienævn, der godkender, at kurset kan meritoverføres. Henvend dig i god tid, da der kan være lang ekspeditionstid. Det skal fremgå af forhåndsgodkendelsen, hvilken uddannelse du er indskrevet på

For kandidatstuderende

Du skal uploade følgende dokumentation i din ansøgning: 

  • Kopi af dit eksamensbevis fra din bacheloruddannelse eller en uddannelse på tilsvarende niveau
  • En forhåndsgodkendelse fra dit studienævn, der godkender, at kurset kan meritoverføres. Henvend dig i god tid, da der kan være lang ekspeditionstid. Det skal fremgå af forhåndsgodkendelsen, hvilken uddannelse du er indskrevet på

Har du et udenlandsk eksamensbevis?

Har du et udenlandsk eksamensbevis, skal du uploade det i Ansøgningsportalen for at vi kan tjekke, om du opfylder adgangskravene. Du bliver muligvis kontaktet for at sende yderligere dokumentation. 

Ansøg om at blive gæstestuderende

Inden du søger

Husk at tjekke, at du har de dokumenter, du skal bruge for at udfylde ansøgningen:

  • Find det ønskede kursus og tjek om du opfylder eventuelle adgangskrav
  • Søg om en forhåndsgodkendelse hos dit studienævn
  • Læs loginvejledningen

Du søger ind som gæstestuderende på ITU ved at oprette en ansøgning i Ansøgningsportalen. Det er en god idé at have al dokumentation klar, før du begynder din ansøgning, men det er også muligt at gemme ansøgningen og vende tilbage til den senere.

Login i Ansøgningsportalen

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Trin-for-trin guide til at oprette din ansøgning 

Hvis du har brug for hjælp til at udfylde felterne og forstå processen i Ansøgningsportalen, kan du læse denne ansøgningsvejledning, som gennemgår ansøgningsprocessen trin-for-trin.

Søger du mere end ét kursus

Du er velkommen til at søge mere end ét kursus. Vær opmærksom på, at du kun kan blive optaget på kurser, der dækker det antal ECTS, som står i din forhåndsgodkendelse, og som kan meritoverføres. Du kan maks. tage 30 ECTS pr. semester. 

Du skal oprette én ansøgning pr. kursus, du søger. Du kan dog genbruge den dokumentation, du skal uploade, så du kun behøver at uploade én gang. 

Prioriter dine kurser

Husk at prioritere dine kurser, hvis du søger ind på flere kurser end du ønsker at følge. Du bliver spurgt om en prioritering, når du opretter mere end én ansøgning.

Annuller en ansøgning

Hvis din ansøgning IKKE er færdigbehandlet og status i Ansøgningsportalen er enten 'Modtaget' eller 'Under behandling', skal du selv annullere ansøgningen i Ansøgningsportalen.

Hvis din ansøgning er færdigbehandlet, og du har fået tilbud om optagelse, skal du annullere din ansøgning ved at sende en mail til sap@itu.dk hurtigst muligt. 

Hvornår får du besked om optagelse?

  • Uge 51 (forårssemesteret)
  • Uge 26 (efterårssemesteret)

Sender du din ansøgning efter hhv. uge 51 og uge 26, vil du modtage svar løbende. 

Du modtager en kvittering, når din ansøgning er oprettet

Når du har udfyldt og sendt din ansøgning i Ansøgningsportalen, vil du modtage en notifikation sendt til den e-mail, som du er oprettet med i portalen. Derefter kan du logge på Ansøgningsportalen for at læse kvitteringen, der ligger under 'Dine beskeder'.

Tilbud om optagelse sendes i Ansøgningsportalen

Vi sender dig et tilbud om optagelse i Ansøgningsportalen, som du skal godkende, hvis du ønsker studiepladsen. Når der er besked til dig, vil du modtage en notifikation sendt til den e-mail, som du er oprettet med i Ansøgningsportalen. For at læse beskeden, skal du logge ind på portalen. Det er også gennem Ansøgningsportalen, vi i nogle tilfælde beder om yderligere dokumentation for de gældende adgangskrav. Det er dit eget ansvar at tjekke Ansøgningsportalen for beskeder.

Ansøgere optages på ledige pladser efter først-til-mølle-princippet. Vær opmærksom på, at vi først kan optage dig, når vi har en komplet ansøgning med al dokumentation for de gældende adgangskrav.

OBS. I Ansøgningsportalen skal du søge ind på 'Enkeltfag som gæstestuderende'

Du skal være opmærksom på, at du i Ansøgningsportalen skal vælge 'Enkeltfag som gæstestuderende', når du søger ind som gæstestuderende på ITU. Hvis du klikker på linket neden for, vil 'Enkeltfag som gæstestuderende' allerede være udfyldt. Det eneste, du skal vælge, er 'typen' du søger, dvs. om du søger kurser på bachelor- eller kandidatniveau, samt om det er kurser udbudt under Summer University.

Søg ind som gæstestuderende